
You absolutely nailed it at the SW luncheon yesterday! Delightfully upbeat presentation that caught and held the ladies’ attention. I am so proud to call you my friend! Was great to see so many of them connect or re-connect with you. You do bring a wide world of possibilities to our little corner of the world’ 

- J.M 

Thank you so much Connie. You are such a lovely human being and I am blessed to have a person like you in my life. I feel very fortunate! 

- M.L

Thank you for offering this wonderful service, your compassion, insight, and support helped me not "give up" so many times.  I will continue to share with you my progress, and yes, it will be me walking the new path but your help is giving me the courage to keep going.  


My 5 Step Transformational Method


Look at your habits to get a new perspective and see if they are not longer serving you.


Identify and unpack old beliefs and ways to release them by understanding them through your experiences and why we 'hold ourselves back.'


Create and let in new beliefs. You will get a deeper understanding of yourself, embrace self-acceptance, and discover how to say 'yes' to your 'new self.'


You get to develop your action plan based on what you want to change. Small incremental changes produce big results. 


You will be provided guidance and support to identify who and what you need to be successful in a fun and positive way. Accountability steps will stretch you and make success inevitable.

My job as your coach is to...

Support and Cheer you on - Stretch you out of your comfort zone - Challenge you to get curious - Question how you are currently approaching different areas of your life - Empower you to create absolutely anything you desire in life - Inspire you to step into full alignment in every area of your life with whom you want to be.

I will support your journey


Attempting to tackle all the aforementioned, alone, is often overwhelming and can keep us paralyzed rather than making forward progress.

​Coaching is a process facilitated in a specific way that allows us to be different without having to think about being different.

 The first step is to raise awareness about what we really desire for ourselves and our lives.

 Statistics tell us it takes 12 weeks to change a habit; thusly, I offer a 12-week Total Transformation Program to help us dive into your habits, beliefs, who you are, and what you desire to change.

Schedule Your Free Session